Universal Measuring Device (UMD)
The UMD is a universal measuring device for use in Flying Probe Testers for PCBs.
The functional targets are comparable to those of the measuring electronics used in the earlier MANIA Ultim8 testers; however the UMD is completely new developed to achieve highest performance.
The UMD is perfectly driven and controlled by the FourStars-ES ProbeStar Software.
The main functions of the UMD are:
- Capacitance measurement
- Resistance measurement, supporting
- Regular 2 wire continuity measurements.
- Four wire Kelvin low resistance measurements.
- Four wire Kelvin component measurements.
The UMD consists of 2 electronic parts:
- An analog electronic module
- A digital electronic module
The analog module contains:
- Power connector for single 24V DC supply
- Local voltage regulators
- References
- Analog components (converters, amplifiers, etc. )
- Interface to the measuring probes (Hirose PO6 coax connectors)
max. cable length to contacting probes: 8 m each
The digital module contains:
- Interface to the controlling PC
- High speed (Xilinx) FPGA for real time data processing of measurement data
- Integrated soft cores for smart data handling and process control
- Diagnosis display
Mechanical Solution:
- Sandwich solution for easy integration into different tester types
- Assembled and tested at FourStarsES
- Capacitance measurements:
- Resolution: 1 fF (femto Farad)
- Max. C: 100nF (nano Farad)
- Auto ranging (5 discrete ranges)
- 4WK low Resistance:
- Resolution: 1 µΏ (micro Ohm)
- Repeatability: 5 µΏ (laboratory environment, 5 m cables)
- Max. R: 35.4 Ώ
- Auto ranging (10 discrete ranges)
- 2 wire regular resistance and 4WK component measurement
- Resolution: 1 mΏ (milli Ohm)
- Max. R: 1 MΏ (MegOhm)
- Auto ranging (12 discrete ranges)